molan detalisMolan

Anti-mycotoxins & Acidifire

Formula for binding mycotoxin, removing them for the digestive tract and improving health
Molan suppress proliferation of harmful bacteria by reducing the PH of the digestive tract which lead to growth promotion, better weight gain and improvement of feed efficiency
MOS has been shown to improve gastrointestinal health as well as overall health, thus improving wellbeing, energy levels and performance.
They provide alternate antibiotic-free growth promoter
The acidifiers could be used to favourably manipulate the intestinal microbial populations and improve the immune response Acidifiers also improve the digestibility of nutrients and increase the absorption of minerals.


Each litre contains

Betaglucan 65000 mg 
Mannan Oligosaccharide   60000 mg 
Citric acid  45 gm 
Phosphoric acid  100 gm 
Malic acid  10 gm 
Lactic acid  70 gm 
Formic acid  100 gm 
Tartaric acid  5 gm 
Copper sulphate 5 gm
Sodium citrate 20 gm
Potassium citrate 20 gm
Propylene glycol  50 gm
Distilled water up to litre

Target species:



- Detoxifies Mycotoxins by Biotransformation and Caption (wide spectrum & highly efficient in acid media) Improves health and growth of poultry.
- Enhance animal disease resistance and defense system
- Maintains lower pH in the guts (acidification)Provides excellent media for beneficial bacterial growth
- Preventing and improving diarrhea though its action in maintaining the balance between gastrointestinal tract flora and antibiotics.
- Decrease the incidences of Salmonellosis and Colibacillosis.
- Advantages of non-residue and no drug resistance


1ml / liter drinking water

Pack size:

1000 ml