clopi premix detalisClopi Premix

Clopidol is the only pyridinol to be used as anticoccidial, it is practically insoluble in water it is active against the sporozoite stage, allowing host cell penetration but not parasite development, it is also has activity against second generation schizogony, gametogony & sporulation. Sporozoites can resume development after medication is removed. Little anticoccidial immunity develops in chickens receiving this agent. The mode of action of clopidol was similar to that of the quinolone anticoccidials because of similar structure & biological activity of the agent. These compounds are coccidiostatic and allow penetration of sporozoites but not development
Clopidol has low toxicity and high margin of safety in chickens


Each 1 kg contains:
Cloidol 250 gm

Target Species:

Broiler,replacement chicken & turkeys


Broiler & Replacement Chicken
Prevention of cecal and intestinal coccidiosis caused by Eimera tenella, E. necatrix, E. acervulina, E. maxima,
E. brunetti, & E.mivati
Prevention of coccidiosis caused by Eimera adenodies,
E.gallopavonis, E. meleagrimitis


Orally via feed
0.5 – 1 kg / ton feed

Pack Size:

 500 gm