Is a potentiated sulfonamide antibiotic/antimicrobial used to treat certain infections
The combination of trimethoprim and sulfadiazine acts synergistic and usually bactericidal act through inhibition of enzymes in the folic acid pathway, inhibiting thymidine synthesis
Potentiated sulfonamide have a fairly broad spectrum of activity. Gram-positive that are generally affected include streptococci and many strains of staphylococcus, and many Gram-negative bacteria of the family Eentobacteriaceae.
SETRIM most effective in the early stages of acute infections when organisms are rapidly multiplying.
is time dependent in their antibacterial efficacy.
Each 1 ml contains:
Sulphadiazine Sodium 435.16 mg. Equi to 400 mg sulphadizine
Trimethoprim 80 mg.
Excipients sufficient to make 1ml.
Target species:
- Pullorum disease (PD), caused by Salmonella pullorum, causes heavy death
losses in chicks and poults and reduces the productivity of adult
- Infectious coryza (IC) is an acute respiratory disease of chickens caused by
Avibacterium paragallinarum that increased number of culls and a marked drop in egg production
- Treatment of diarrhea situation caused by bacteria
- Treatment of secondary bacterial infection associated with respiratory infection
- Coccidial infection
3 ml / 10 litre drinking water for 5 days
Pack size:
500 ml