L.Spectin 20/40 W.S.P


Each 100 gm contains
lincomycin hydrochloride 22.7 gm Eui. to 20gm lincomycin base
& spectinomycin hydrochloride 48.8 gm Equi. to 40 gm spectinomycine base


- Mycoplasmal airsacculitis caused by Mycoplasma synoviae or Mycoplasma gallisepticum and complicated chronic respiratory disease in young chickens caused by Mycoplasma gallisepticum and E. coli
- Control of Colibacillosis, in newly hatched Chicks
- Turkey poults, CRD associated with Escherichia coli
- Paratyphoid treatment in Chicks, newly hatched
- Treatment of colibacellosis, & salmonellosis


1 gm / liter of drinking water (40-50 mg / kg B. wt.) for 3-5 days

Pack size:

200 gm