tylva detalisTylva

Tylvalosin tartrate is a macrolide antibiotic that has antibacterial activity against Gram-positive, some Gram-negative organisms and mycoplasma. It acts by inhibiting protein synthesis in the bacterial cell
Macrolides interfere with protein synthesis by reversibly binding to the 50S ribosome subunit. They bind to the donor site and prevent the translocation necessary for keeping the peptide chain growing. Their effect is essentially confined to rapidly dividing organisms


Each 1 gm contains:
Tylvalosin tartrate 714.95 mg equi to tylvalosin base 625 mg

Target species:



Control of respiratory and enteric diseases in poultry and pigs.
Tylvalosin in has antibacterial activity against gram positive and some
gram negative microorganisms, having also excellent antimycoplasmal activity
Mycoplasmosis Necrotic enteritis, bacterial enteritis, ORT,Colisepticemia Infectious
coryza, Fowl cholera Omphalitis, synovitis and Secondary bacterial infections


For oral administration
100 gm of the product / 2500 kg b. wt. in drinking water daily for 3-5 days

Pack size:

100 gm